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Lake View | The abandoned Chele Kere
October 12, 2015
Chele Kere, a stone's throw from the Outer Ring road, off Banasvadi, sums up all that is wrong with Bengaluru's lakes.
Pharmaceuticals dumped in Chele Kere.
Invasive plant species have taken over most parts of the waterbody, that can adversely affect the ecosystem.
The level of apathy is evident in this image -- the abandoned pedestrian walkway.
The buffer zone of the waterbody is seen in this image, where, the fencing appears breached, and waste is strewn about all over.
The hoarding at the entrance to the lake reads, 'Project: Bioremediation of Challakere Lake.'
The image reveals a possible illegal encroachment of lake land -- breached fencing, and accumulating debris from construction materials.
Birds seem to thrive, thanks to an almost complete absence of public visits to the lake. Where are the residents?
An abandoned bottle on the banks of the lake.
Construction of a storm water drain is underway along the waterbody.
Pigs feast on garbage inside breached fencing adjacent to a public road.
Chele Kere, a stone's throw from the Outer Ring road, off Banasvadi, sums up all that is wrong with the city's lakes.