BBMP Budget Briefs 2015-16

Budget Briefs provide data at Ward and City level indicating the total Budget for the City and each Ward as well as category level amounts (roads, footpaths, storm water drains, garbage, public amenities, parks and playgrounds, and others). The reports are overlaid with population data at City and Ward level.

By publishing these for Citizens and Ward Corporators we want to catalyse more specific and meaningful engagement of citizens with their elected representatives and City officials, about civic issues in their neighbourhoods.

View City Budget Brief

View Ward Budget Brief

Download Budget data 2015-16

BBMP Works Directory 2015-16

As a supplement to the Budget Briefs we have created Works Directories which contain a full list of budget items for each Ward, Assembly Constituency (AC) and Zone.

The following Works Directories are available to download

Download Works Directories 2015-16

Ward Works Directory

These are the budgeted Works in your Ward

AC Works Directory

These are the budgeted Works in your Assembly Constituency

Zone Works Directory

These are the budgeted Works in your Zone

City Works Directory

These are the budgeted works in your City which are not associated with any Ward, AC or Zone