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Your COVID-19 Responder is just a call away
March 30, 2020• By Team ICMyC

The Bengaluru City Police in collaboration with Janaagraha has been implementing the Community Policing program in Bengaluru since 2013. As of February 2019, it has been scaled up to all 108 police stations in Bengaluru. Under this program Community Liaison Officers (CLOs) have been designated in each police station and in turn each CLO is required to enlist 30-40 citizen volunteers who are called Area Suraksha Mitras (ASM's).
The ASM's are the extended arm of the local police in promoting neighbourhood safety and security by undertaking door to door awareness drives, outreach programs and organising programs in schools, colleges and companies with the local police force. This scaling up to all 108 police stations has been undertaken under the leadership of Mr Bhaskar Rao IPS, Commissioner of Police for Bengaluru supported by all DCPs.
As of today 75 ASMs who are active across neighbourhoods have signed up as your COVID-19 Responders. They will be your neighbourhood citizen volunteer for contact-less support on authentic information on helplines, emergency support, medical centers, procurement of essentials, govt rules and orders, and your local connect to your neighborhood police stations. Your COVID-19 Responder is just a call away. ASMs are in the process of signing up for all police stations. This list will be updated every few hours to ensure all police stations have Covid-19 Responders assigned.
Click here to see who your COVID-19 Responder is: bit.ly/2JpTu2N