City Pulse

Citizen energy: two resolved complaints gives Kunal Jhaveri the hope to do more!

August 21, 2017 By Sandhya C D'Souza
  • IChangeMyCity Impact.

  • Pothole on a footpath on Maharshi Karve Road in Dhus Wadi was fixed, after Kunal Jhaveri highlighted the issue on IChangeMyCity.

  • Pothole on Chandan Wadi Cross Lane near Maharshi Karve Road was fixed after Kunal Jhaveri highlighted the issue on IChangeMyCity.

  • The polluted Haji Ali Coastline needs to be cleaned on top priority. Kunal Jhaveri has highlighted the issue on IChangeMyCity and hopes to receive citizen support. Vote up his complaint.

A city’s development lies not only in the hands of political representatives and bureaucrats but also its citizens. An active citizen has the power to bring positive change in his/her neighbourhood. Exemplifying this is Kunal Jhaveri, a young businessman residing in Mumbai.

Kunal found a pothole on a footpath on Maharshi Karve Road in Dhus Wadi. The pothole was not easily visible, due to which people may easily trip over and fall. Kunal wanted to get the footpath fixed but was not sure whom to contact. 

He searched for an app that solves civic issues on Google Playstore and came across IChangeMyCity. 

“I was not very sure if the civic issue will be resolved, but decided to give it a try. Hence, I downloaded IChangeMyCity app and posted a complaint with a picture of the grievance,” he told team ICMyC. 

A few days later, Kunal received a call from an official working in Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, who acknowledged the complaint posted on IChangeMyCity and asked for the exact location of the pothole. 

A couple of days later when Kunal visited the spot, he saw that the pothole has been neatly fixed. The broken interlocks were also replaced. Elated, he marked the complaint as resolved.

He then decided to highlight the pothole-ridden Chandan Wadi Cross Lane near Maharshi Karve Road. This tiny stretch had multiple potholes and an uneven surface that lead to waterlogging during rains.

This complaint also got taken up by Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai and most of the potholes on the stretch are fixed. Kunal acknowledges that the work is partially complete and the road surface continues to remain uneven. He has posted a new complaint on the same.

Polluted Haji Ali coastline

Having received attention for his complains through ICMyC, Kunal has highlighted a major civic issue.  He has posted a complaint highlighting massive pollution on the Haji Ali coastline near Breach Candy. Kunal is concerned that the plastic and other garbage will destroy the eco diversity near the coastline. He hopes Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai will also address this issue at the earliest. You could help Kunal by strengthening his plea with a vote. Click here to vote up his complaint.

Like Kunal, you can take action and bring positive change in your neighbourhood. If you come across a civic challenge, bring it to the attention of the civic authorities. Click here to post a civic grievance.