City Pulse

Civic app for Thane citizens to raise grievances, track developments in city 

April 09, 2018 By Debdutta Mohanty

Thane residents and the TMC have shown a lot of interest in digital governance. Thane secured the second place in the country in a cleanliness app downloading campaign which was part of an awareness programme under the Swachh Bharat Mission. The TMC’s Janaagraha app enables citizens to give feedback on waste segregation and sanitation. As of February 10, 47,587 Thane residents had responded to the TMC app. Now, the residents of Thane can log onto an app to have their say in civic matters and to keep track of developments in the city. The DigiThane app, which was launched on January 23 by Yuva Sena leader Aaditya Thackeray, makes Thane the first digital city in the country.

DigiThane is a platform which enables the residents of Thane to connect with government bodies and seeks to provide a boost to local businesses. People can learn about offers and discounts at restaurants, hotels, entertainment places like amusement parks, and learn about upcoming events. The app also provides information about health services like hospitals and blood banks.

Thane is the second city in the world, after Tel Aviv, Israel, to have a digital app for its citizens. Ron Huldai, mayor of Tel Aviv Jaffa, was also present at the launch of the DigiThane app. The app has been modelled on Israeli technology, under the guidance of the Tel Aviv civic body. Tel Aviv has earned the tag of the ‘smartest city in the world’.

Citizens can also avail a prepaid single-access digicard priced at Rs 100, through which they can pay for utilities such as water, property tax, and also personal bills. The card can also be used to buy bus tickets and passes. The in-app payments will take about three to four months to start. People can use their credit or debit cards to make payments and avail discounts. Around 170 outlets across the city are providing exclusive offers for those who use the card. The card will also provide 27 types of government, civic and private services.

The registration process for the DigiThane app is simple. One can easily download the app and register one’s mobile number and email address. Citizens are happy that the app enables them to connect to government officials. “This app is beneficial for citizens. It helps us connect with the TMC authorities. It is not only a platform to raise grievances, but we can also learn about the various development works and projects the Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) is undertaking for its citizens. We also get discounts at various outlets after downloading this app,” said Amit Thaplial, a resident of Thane.

Although the app was launched in a big way, many Thane citizens are still unaware of its benefits. They have hardly seen any media reports and awareness programmes on the app. “I am not aware of the benefits of this app. I just know that it was launched. Awareness programmes about the app should be held in public places like malls and railway stations. I would be happy to use it if it’s an efficient way of managing property agreements, RTO work etc,” said Priyaranjan Nayak, an IT professional and resident of Thane.

TMC officials said 10,000 citizens have already downloaded the app. The TMC has plans to launch a big awareness programme on the app and want to make it citizen friendly. It is giving rebates on property tax, water tax, advertisements, theatre, licensing etc to people who have used the digicard. “A major awareness programme has started in March. We will carry out awareness drives in societies, educational institutions, and public places. People who have used the app have given positive feedback. In future, the TMC will also provide many services through this app. It is definitely a better medium to pay water bills and property tax,” said a TMC official.

Debdutta Mohanty is a Mumbai based freelance writer and a member of, a pan-India network of grassroots reporters