Area 0.68 Sq.Kms
Population 48,991
Assembly Constituency B.t.m. Layout
Parliamentary Constituency Bangalore South
V V Puram, Opp National School , Bangalore - 560004
—TTMT, Shantinagar, Wilson Garden, Bangalore - 560027
—Block IV MS Building, DR. Amberkar Veedhi, Near KR Circle, Bangalore - 560001
—W5 Sub Division Office, 2nd Floor, Mysugar Building, J C Road, Bangalore - 560002
—Suksagar Hotel, KBS, Bangalore - 560009
—No-23, 1st Floor, 16th Cross, Rangaswamy Gudi Beedi, Bangalore-53.
—The average amount share given to a ward in the city is 3.27 Cr.